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Namun, kelebihannya di sini, bisa me-remove program sampai ke registry-nya alias sampai bersih. Berbeda dengan uninstaller default bawaan windows, biasanya masih menyisakan apa yang kita sebut junk files alias file sampah.
ScreenShot Your Uninstaller 2010 :
Features possessed Your Uninstaller Pro 2010 include:
* Fix invalid uninstallations in one click.
Too often install / uninstall program makes the program can corrupt even damaged. Now, with YU Pro, the program could be improved
* Full system scan after being uninstalled a program for complete removal.
The entire system will be scanned and cleaned completely
* Force removal of a program.
Some programs are sometimes difficult to remove. With one click the uninstall program to at-error can remove the remove.
* Keep the system stable and clean with Various system tools.
Your Uninstaller! have system tools like Uninstaller, Startup Manager, Internet Traces Eraser, Start Menu Manager, Disk Cleaner, etc.. All to remain stable and keep the windows clean from junk files.
* Easy to Use. No expert knowledge required.
The program is very easy to use, no need special tutorials for using it.
* Windows 7 compatible.
Compatible with Windows 7 both 32-bit or 64-bit. So also with Windows Vista and XP.
* Safe and Trusted
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