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Haloo... sahabat semua, sudah lama blog ini tidak update. Kali ini ALDI-XP update sebuah software converter video mungkin software ini tidak asing di telinga anda... Yupsbenar... software ini bernama "Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate" mari kita simak software tersebut
Key Features :
- Powerful video effect editing functions to customize your video: crop video size, edit video effects, and add video watermark; (Ultimate only)
- Support the decoding and encoding of lossless audio; (Ultimate only)
- Preview and compare the source video and fixed video; (Ultimate only)
- Merge several video segments to one for conversion; (Ultimate and Platinum only)
- Clip segments from video and audio, and output them respectively or merge them into one for output; (Ultimate and Platinum only)
- Preview clipped video segment; (Ultimate and Platinum only)
- More optimized and classified profiles are supported now, and any profile can be customized to create your own one with your favorite settings;
- Customize the output file size and auto-calculate corresponding video bit rate;
- Multiple output formats can be set for one original to facilitate your conversion;
- Convert videos to compatible formats to work on PSP, PS3, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Zune, Archos, blackberry, iRiver PMP, Creative Zen, etc.;
- It supports H.264/AVC video format, PSP H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encoding/decoding, PSP H.264/AVC Video (480x272) (*.mp4);
- It provides batch conversion and multithreading, thus you can select multiple files at one time to have them convert one by one automatically;
- You can convert any clip or segment of the video at will by setting the start point and duration, and split one source file to several by duration or file size;
- video codec and audio codec can be modified: alternatively select video codec such as MPEG4, DVvideo, Mjpeg, etc. for AVI, H263, and MPEG4 for 3GP, as well as audio codec like PCM, MP2, MP3, MPEGAAC, AC3, etc.
- When converting files, you can pause, stop and continue at any moment;
- You can keep the default settings or set parameters of the video and audio by yourself to get particular effects for output file.
Download | Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate 7.7.2 Full Version
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Xilisoft Video Converter Ultimate 7.7.2 Full Version
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tq gan , gan ane requst software untuk konvert dari video menjadi gambar (gif) ya kalau ada tolong di share :)
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